Sunday, November 1, 2009

Intro -- my exposure to nudism

For a person with so much experience being naked, I have had only a little experience with nudism or naturism. I have never minded being naked, even when other, clothed people were around, but somehow I just never saw a point in going some place just to take my clothes off. Maybe some bad experiences have influenced my attitude too.

My first husband was a nudist. At least that is what he called himself, but in retrospect, I think he was more a swinger wannabe who never bothered to question whether his wife might think differently. While we were married, we did visit a few of nudist resorts and free beaches in the Midwest, in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Indiana specifically, and a beach in California once. One of the nudist resorts seemed to be more a place for swingers than nudists and I guess I saw some of that attitude in all of them, although that may have been because I was looking out for that. My husband’s daughter, who is about four years younger than I, accompanied us a few times. While he and I were on a business trip (for him) to Australia we visited a couple of nude beaches.

There are at least two pictures taken of naked me from when I was in Australia which have made the internet. There may be more, but I have seen just the two. I’ve never seen either picture large or well-defined, just as two small black-and-white, low-res pictures of me and the wife of one of my then husband’s business associates taken while we were at a nude beach. I remember when it was taken, by some creepy guy who had a camera where there weren’t supposed to be any cameras. My husband had stepped away, but neither I nor the woman I was with or her husband who was there made any objection at the time or attempted to seize the camera and the guy just walked away. I really did not think about the pictures for years. They were just pictures of two women sunning together. Nothing sexual was happening or even implied. But somebody who was a friend of Pat’s and an acquaintance of mine saw them about six years ago and emailed them to her asking if I was one of the subjects. She never gave the man an answer, but did forward the pictures to me. (Because of the size and poor definition of the pictures, even Pat had not been completely certain that it was me.) I don’t know the pictures’ history, how they were developed or scanned or in what places they may have been published. I am not ashamed of the pictures but it does irritate me to think that somebody has probably been making money from the picture. Probably not a lot of money on two small black and whites, but that they would make any frosts me.

I’ve poked around a lot of sites including several of the phony sites that call themselves “nudist” looking for those pictures and have found one or the other or both in a few places, but have not been able to learn much more of how they have been circulated. This searching probably represents a waste of time since I do not imagine how I could ever get a dime for it since whoever published then probably did so beyond whatever statute of limitations exists in whatever jurisdiction the distribution took place. I have lost contact with the Australian woman. She divorced the man she was with, so don’t know what name she might be using or where she might be. I do not know whether she has seen the pictures.

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