Sunday, November 1, 2009

Intro -- my exposure to nudity and nakedness

I was born in 1951. My brother Lowell was born two years after I was and my brother Larry was born in 1957. I had a sister stillborn in 1956.

I was exposed to nudity at a very young age. I was born naked and my mother wasn’t wearing much on her bottom at the time, either. Of course, some of the greatest of prudes can say that much. But my parents seemed to have different thoughts on nakedness and nudity than most parents back then did. (From what I can tell, probably than most parents these days to too. Attitudes still have not changed much.) Actually, my parents may not have been so different in their thinking about when to be naked as much as they differed in when to dress and when to undress. But this may just be too much of a semantics thing for here.

Simply stated, my parents seemed to believe that we put on appropriate clothes for a reason and we take them off or change them for a reason. When there is no reason for a change, we don’t do one. It’s really quite a conservative attitude when you look at it that way.

I remember that when I was very small that after giving me my bath my mother would send me to the kitchen for a snack before sending me to bed, never bothering to put pajamas on me if the house was warm. When I was about nine or ten years old, I saw a pair of shorty pajamas in a catalog and asked my mother why anybody would want something which provided so little warmth. It had never occurred to me that people wore things to bed for reasons other than to stay warm. (When I was a little older she showed me a catalog which showed adult bed wear items and suggested some of the other reasons besides warmth that people wish to wear them.)

If our house was warm enough and nobody else was around, any of us in the household might come out of the shower or bath and not get dressed until getting ready to go somewhere.

My parents were not nudists or naturists or exhibitionists. They were dressed a lot more often than they were not. This was in the 1950s and 1960s and they went so many places and so many people came and went from our house that there were so many reasons to be dressed. They did not dress for the sake of being dressed and they did not undress just to be naked. I guess I think pretty much the same way they did, but somehow I seem to spend more time naked or topless. But with five people sharing a house and guests coming and going, we had more occasion to dress than I do living by myself. When I was a child we all had places to go in the morning. Although it is not the case right now, during most of my adult life, I have had days when I do not have to go to work and now that we are in the internet age, sometimes I even could avoid going in to work in person for a few days at a time.

I have kept a robe by the front door in case I have to answer it and for my morning reach for the newspaper. I do not always have one by the back door mainly because the few people who come to it are usually people who are not fazed by my nakedness. My most frequent back door visitor is Pat, my girl friend from childhood. I have been naked with her many times at various venues since we were girls and have been in her hot tub with her and her husband many times.

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